Claxton Clues and FAQs


Drop-off and Pick-up
Students may come to the student entrance (gym door next to main entrance) as early as 7:20. They are released to their classrooms at 7:40, and after the tardy bell at 7:55, you must walk them to the main office to check in. During the first week of kindergarten, you may walk your child to class.

To drop off and pick up by car, drive down Annandale and south on Julia St. to the carpool lane beside the school.

Pickup begins at 3:00 and ends at 3:20. You may walk up to the student entrance or drive through the line and tell the teacher your child’s name.

Breakfast, Snack and Lunch
Breakfast in the cafeteria is $1 for students and begins at 7:20.

A mid-morning snack will be served by teachers in the classroom. Families may be asked to contribute to snacks for the group. Children will allergies or other concerns may bring their own snacks; notify the teacher.

Students may bring their lunch or pay $2.30 for a meal in the cafeteria. Milk by itself is $.50 and snacks are also available. Your child may pay cash for each meal, or you may pre-pay online for a fee at – you will need your child’s student ID number from the school.

You are welcome to come have lunch with your child any time! Be sure to check in at the office and wear a visitor sticker.

To communicate with your child’s teacher, you may send a note in your child’s folder, call the classroom directly, or email the teacher. Phone numbers and email are found in the Staff Directory on the school website.

To speak with the principal, please contact office manager Cherie Davis at 828.350.6501 or email at [email protected].

To report an excused absence, you may send a note to your child’s teacher or fill our a Student Absence Form on the school website under “parents.”

To pick up your child early for an appointment, please inform your child’s teacher in advance. Then go to the main office to ask for your child and sign him or her out on the computer.

If your child needs medication (prescription or over-the-counter) during school hours, fill out a Medication Log from the website (under Parents > Health Forms). Take the form and medication, in its original container, to the main office.

For more information, check out the Student Handbook here.

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